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BOSCH acquires U.S. 芯片制造商TSI半导体公司在罗斯维尔

ग्रेटर sacramento

更新:博世对TSI半导体的收购已于2023年8月完成. Learn more here.

BOSCH plans to invest $1.50亿美元的电动汽车半导体业务


  • Bosch chairman Dr. Stefan Hartung:“通过在美国的投资计划. S.此外,我们还在全球范围内扩大半导体制造.”
  • 半导体产业的第三大支柱:继德国的罗伊特林根和德累斯顿之后, 博世未来也将在罗斯维尔生产芯片, California.
  • 更多的筹码:计划中的收购, Bosch will significantly expand its global portfolio of SiC semiconductors by the end of 2030.
  • Electric cars as the driving force: SiC芯片可以实现更大的范围和更有效的充电.

Stuttgart, Germany ——博世正在以碳化硅芯片扩大其半导体业务. 这家科技公司计划收购美国雅虎的资产.S. 总部位于十大网投官方入口罗斯维尔的芯片制造商TSI半导体公司. With a workforce of 250, 该公司是专用集成电路的代工厂, or ASICs. Currently, it mainly develops and produces large volumes of chips on 200-millimeter silicon wafers for applications in the mobility, telecommunications, energy, and life sciences industries. 在接下来的几年里,博世计划投资超过1亿美元.5 billion USD in the Roseville site and convert the TSI Semiconductors manufacturing facilities to state-of-the-art processes. Starting in 2026, the first chips will be produced on 200-millimeter wafers based on the innovative material silicon carbide (SiC).

In this way, 博世正在系统地加强其半导体业务, and will have significantly extended its global portfolio of SiC chips by the end of 2030. Above all, the global boom and ramp-up of electromobility are resulting in huge demand for such special semiconductors. The full scope of the planned investment will be heavily dependent on federal funding opportunities available via the CHIPS and Science Act as well as economic development opportunities within the State of California. Bosch and TSI Semiconductors have reached an agreement to not to disclose any financial details of the transaction, 哪些需要得到监管部门的批准.

“通过收购TSI半导体, we are establishing manufacturing capacity for SiC chips in an important sales market while also increasing our semiconductor manufacturing, globally. The existing clean-room facilities and expert personnel in Roseville will allow us to manufacture SiC chips for electromobility on an even larger scale,” says Dr. 博世董事会主席Stefan Hartung表示.

罗斯维尔的这家店从1984年就开始营业了. Over nearly 40 years, the U.S. 公司在半导体生产方面积累了丰富的专业知识. We will now be integrating this expertise into the Bosch semiconductor manufacturing network,” says Dr. Markus Heyn, member of the Bosch board of management and chairman of the Mobility Solutions business sector.

“We are pleased to join a globally operating technology company with extensive semiconductor expertise. We are confident that our Roseville location will be a significant addition to Bosch’s SiC chipmaking operations,” says Oded Tal, CEO at TSI Semiconductors.


The new location in Roseville will reinforce Bosch’s international semiconductor manufacturing network. Starting in 2026, following a retooling phase, first SiC chips will be produced on 200-millimeter wafers in a facility offering roughly 10,000平方米的洁净室空间. 在早期阶段,博世投资开发和生产SiC芯片. Since 2021, 它一直在使用自己的专利, 高度复杂的工艺,在斯图加特附近的罗伊特林根工厂大规模生产. 未来,罗伊特林根还将在200毫米晶圆上生产它们. By the end of 2025, 该公司将扩大其在罗伊特林根的洁净室空间,从大约35个,000 to more than 44,000 square meters.

“SiC芯片是电气化交通的关键部件. 通过将我们的半导体业务扩展到全球, 我们正在一个重要的电动汽车市场加强我们在当地的影响力,” Heyn says.

汽车行业对芯片的需求仍然很高. By 2025, Bosch expects to have an average of 25 of its chips integrated in every new vehicle. The market for SiC chips is also continuing to grow fast – by 30 percent a year on average. 这一增长的主要驱动力是全球电动汽车的蓬勃发展. In electric vehicles, SiC芯片可以实现更大的范围和更有效的充电, 因为它们损失的能量减少了50%. 安装在这些车辆的电力电子设备中, they ensure that a vehicle can drive a significantly longer distance on one battery charge – on average, 可能的范围比硅基芯片大6%.


半导体是博世所有业务领域成功的关键. 该公司很早就意识到这项技术的潜力, 并已生产半导体超过60年. Bosch is one of the few companies to have not only electronic and software expertise but also a profound understanding of microelectronics. It can combine this decisive competitive advantage with its strength in semiconductor manufacturing. The supplier of technology and services has been manufacturing semiconductors in Reutlingen since 1970. 它们既用于汽车领域,也用于消费电子产品. 车辆中的现代电子设备也是减少交通排放的基础, preventing road accidents, and efficient powertrains. Production at the Bosch wafer fab in Dresden (300-millimeter wafers) started in July 2021. At nearly one billion euros, the wafer fab is the biggest single investment in the company’s history.

博世在其位于罗伊特林根和德累斯顿的晶圆厂已投资超过2亿美元.自2010年推出200毫米技术以来,总共花费了50亿欧元. 除此之外,还投资了数十亿欧元用于开发微电子技术. 独立于现在计划在美国的投资, the company announced in summer last year that it will be investing a further 3 billion euros in its semiconductor business in Europe, both as part of its investment planning and with the aid of the EU’s “Important Project of Common European Interest on Microelectronics and Communication Technologies” program.

Contact persons for press inquiries:

Tim Wieland
phone: +1 248 876-7708

About Bosch

1906年在北美建立了业务, 如今,博世集团拥有近37名员工,在该地区的100多个地点(截至2009年12月)有超过5000名员工. 31, 2022). According to preliminary 2022 figures, Bosch generated consolidated sales of $15 billion in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. For more information visit, and 博世集团是全球领先的技术和服务供应商. 它在全球拥有约42万名员工(截至2009年12月). 31, 2022). The company generated sales of $93.1 billion in 2022. 其业务分为四个业务部门:移动解决方案, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. As a leading IoT provider, Bosch offers innovative solutions for smart homes, Industry 4.0, and connected mobility. 博世正在追求可持续、安全和令人兴奋的移动出行愿景. 它利用其在传感器技术方面的专业知识, software, and services, as well as its own IoT cloud, to offer its customers connected, 来自单一来源的跨域解决方案. The Bosch Group’s strategic objective is to facilitate connected living with products and solutions that either contain artificial intelligence (AI) or have been developed or manufactured with its help. Bosch improves quality of life worldwide with products and services that are innovative and spark enthusiasm. 简而言之,博世创造了“为生活而发明”的技术.” The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 440 subsidiary and regional companies in some 60 countries. Including sales and service partners, Bosch’s global manufacturing, engineering, 销售网络几乎覆盖全球每一个国家. 在全球拥有400多家分店, 博世集团自2020年第一季度以来一直保持碳中和. 公司未来发展的基础是创新实力. At 128 locations across the globe, Bosch employs roughly 84,800名研发人员, of which more than 44,000 are software engineers. In North America, Bosch employs approximately 3,500 associates in research and development.


Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 1.0538

Learn more about the investment and Bosch’s plans in Bloomberg’s interview with Chairman of the Board of Management, Stefan Hartung.

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